Mount and blade warband how to get vassals
Mount and blade warband how to get vassals

mount and blade warband how to get vassals

  • Tax Inefficiency for the Monarch is reduced by 10%, and increased by 10% for his vassals.
  • The Monarch's armies get a 30% percent increase, and vassals' armies get a 9% decrease.
  • The Monarch's relations with his/her vassals should suffer a -3 hit every month.
  • Tax Inefficiency for the Monarch is reduced by 15%, and increased by 15% for his vassals.
  • mount and blade warband how to get vassals mount and blade warband how to get vassals

    If you are a ruler of an own realm you can change the nations characteristics of your faction by talking to your Chancellor.

    Mount and blade warband how to get vassals